Manage your own WordPress website.

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wp-imgIf your all “gung ho” to get your website published.  Do you want to use WordPress and just pick a theme and go with it?  WordPress is the way to go, as is for you millions of websites are currently using this popular Blog and Site builder.

WordPress is much more than just a blog site.  The customization possibilities are limitless with respect to the look, layout and function.  We can create custom plugins for your site based on the need of the task.  There are also many freely available WordPress Plugins that we will use also.  Contact us if your not sure how to begin.

Fortunately you don’t have to know how to do all that.  We’ll set up the site, layout and structure and you come in and add, edit and update the content without the need for us.

Contact us for a breakdown of the options for these sites.

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