Do you need to sell many items online?
Your way past the paypal button stage and need to have full product detail options for creating online shopping ease for your customers. E-Commerce sites, in and of themselves have many varying levels of pricing. So keep in mind when you start to add products and options for shipping, transnational email (thank you emails, etc.) things get a bit more complex.
For our basic e-commerce websites, pricing starts at $5,000 and quickly scales up from there. Here’s why.
Generally most of our clients with e-commerce needs, also need guidance, education, and setup with the following:
- Server Setup
- SSL selection, purchase
- Merchant Account Setup
- Payment Processor Setup
- Shipping Setup – Including coordination/setup of accounts
- Transactional Email – What does each email your website send say “thank you for purchasing…”, “thank you for creating an account,” etc.
Basically an e-commerce site is like a normal website, on steroids, and most clients need a knowledgeable and reliable company to not just make the right decisions, but also to guide along the process.